Burial of Thoughts

Welcome to the unusual place that you'll find the most interesting curiosities, crazy occurrences, conflicting emotions, poems, unburdens, wish lists, opinions about famous people, fan pages, drawings, paintings, recommendations, and pretty much everything! Check out my Pinterest page!

contains unrational feelings and actions


stuffz I like

  1. spacehey
  2. dancing
  3. plushies
  4. writing
  5. money
  6. running
  7. visual novels
  8. yapping
  9. rpg
  10. reading
  11. videogames

books I am into

  1. darkromance
  2. romance
  3. science fiction
  4. fantasy
  5. mangas
  6. manhwas
  7. manhuas
  8. comics
  9. novels

    winners of animal kingdom

  1. cheetahs
  2. leopards
  3. penguins
  4. cats
  5. dogs

    dang, the best shows

  1. sitcoms
  2. kdramas
  3. animes
  4. horror
  5. fantasy
  6. comedy
  7. mystery
  8. thriller